SoCtronics has wide expertise in various wireless technologies used in IoT such as WiFi, BT, Zigbee, Z-Wave, 6LowPAN and Thread. Combined with its experience with different types of sensors such as temperature, pressure, humidity, PIR, RF, load etc., SoCtronics can enable any type of IoT end-device, meeting the right power and performance trade-offs.
SoCtronics IoT team has extensive experience in various popular micro-controllers and various types of light weight
Real-Time Operating Systems. Soctronics wireless team has expertise in IoT solutions for smart home, smart metering and smart city applications.
Our Expertise
- . Strong experience on architecting complete IOT ecosystem from interfacing sensors, actuators and IOT cloud, mobile applications & data analytics.
- . Strong experience on L2/L3 stack developments such as IEEE802.11, 802.15.4 (BLE/Zigbee, Custom RF) etc.
- . Experience of building 802.15.4/L2 stack from scratch up for a very large smart utility sensor network.
- . Experience on developing middleware for P2P applications on 6LowPAN based networks.
- . Strong experience on developing/testing/maintaining very large IOT based deployments.
- . Hands-on experience on protocol analyzers for standards based or custom wireless products.
- . Experienced on Network Stack Development as well as Stack Integration, Performance improvement / New feature addition /Support & maintenance
Protocol Expertise

IEEE 802.15.4 - L2 /L3 / Middleware development for a large AMI/Smart Metering solution.
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Soctronics had developed a customized IEEE802.15.4 L2 stack for a Dual modem (PLC and RF) SoC for Smart Grid & Metering Solutions for large-scale deployments (millions of devices). The stack development involved Hybrid PLC/RF, Multi-core ASIC with ARM and DSP processors. We had customized 802.15.4 to suit the customer requirements, while maintaining the standard compliance.
The overall work involved:
- L2 stack implementation for RF and PLC on DSP cores
- Device Discovery
- Time Syncrhonization & Channel hopping
- Channel Access / TNAV
- Fragmentation / Reassembly
- Data communication (unicast & broadcast)
- FCC compliance (Duty Cycles)
- L3 features
- Enhancements related to RPL, DODAG etc
- 6LowPAN
- MAC adaptation layer
- P2P middleware

The overall project was delivered with
- High quality product-grade test-driven software development
- Scalable Architecture & Design
- Test infrastructure and models for enabling co-development of PHY and MAC
- Agile development process with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
I2BZ –Soctronics’ SoC with Microcontroller/BLE 5.0 / 802.15.4 RF
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Soctronics has designed and developed an in-house SoC with extreme low power microcontroller & is ideal for designs requiring long battery life, flexible application integration, and a reliable, proven, best-in-class wireless networking solution. We had developed the complete BSP and platform software and enabled BLE/Zigbee stacks on this SoC as part of SDK. Also developed lighting application using BLE for a large smart bulb manufacturing client. Soctronics helps OEMs and system integrators take their new products from concept to market in short time. The complete solution contains the ZigBee/BLE devices which are Programmable intelligent IEEE 802.15.4 modules with embedded software and development tools for Sub-1-GHz and 2.4GHz license-free ISM bands enable quick and efficient solutions for Smart Energy Meters , Smart Homes, Industrial Wireless Automation, Machine to Machine (M2M) Solution.
I2BZ SDK Features
- BLE: BLE 5.0, @ ISM Band
- BLE Profiles & Service: Lighting profile, customized profiles
- BLE Mesh: Advertising and GATT bearer, PB-GATT and PB-ADV provisioning, Foundation Models, Relay support & GATT Proxy
- ZigBee: 802.15.4 @ ISM Band
- ZigBee R21, ZLL, ZHA profiles, All Security profiles,Ultra Low power operation
- Power Management
- Optimized listen mode power consumption
- Modes of operation: Active, Stand by, Sleep and Deep Sleep modes
- Support for wake on LAN on reception of BEACON packets or data packets
- Firmware upgrade: OTA Firmware upgrade & Upgrade via UART and JTAG
- Operating System: FreeRTOS
- Development Tools: GNU tools/Eclipse IDE, Debugger, Flash Utility & Power Measurement Tool
- Target Applications
- Smart Lighting – bulbs, switches
- Home Door locks, Car door locks
- IOT connectivity for home appliances
I2BZ SDK Architecture

BLE5.0 Mesh stack - The complete BLE Mesh solution
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SoCtronics BLE Mesh stack is open source based, feature-rich, run on home gateway / end node for Lighting and Home Automation. It supports Mesh Model, Home Automation profiles and provision to expand. Our BLE Mesh stack provides lighting, Home automation, Sensor Models as a single point solution which acts as a broadcaster, end node, peer or central for various smart devices. The stack is indigenously developed supporting BLE 5.0 Mesh, which in-turn opened up lot of options in the Home Automation space.
- Bluetooth 5.0 stack (Host Only)
- Support for 251 byte packet size
- Support for all 4 roles concurrently - Broadcaster, Observer, Peripheral and Central
- Support for up to 32 simultaneous connections.
- Legacy and SC (secure connections) SMP support (pairing and bonding).
- Full GATT Server, Client, and all sub-procedures
- LE Advertising Extensions.
- Profile and Service support
- Alert Notification Profile and Service(ANS)
- Immediate Alert Service (IAS)
- Link Loss Profile and Service
- Transmit Power Service
- Bluetooth Mesh support
- Advertising and GATT bearers
- PB-GATT and PB-ADV provisioning, GATT Proxy
- Foundation Models (server role)
- Relay, Friend, Lower Power Node support
ZigBee stack - The Complete ZigBee Solution
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SoCtronics ZigBee3.0 stack is a sophisticated, feature-rich, for Lighting and Home Automation. It supports both classic and TouchLink commissioning modes. Home automation profiles as a single point solution which supports all the roles defined by ZigBee for various smart devices like, lighting, switch, Energy meter. This stack is developed indigenously by supporting latest version 3.0. Customer has the flexibility to add custom applications as well as more profiles.
- Works on any 802.15.4 compliant HW.
- Supports ZigBee Light link
- Supports ZigBee Touch Link commissioning as defined by ZLL (Initiator and Target)
- Supports ZigBee Home Automation.
- Supports classical commissioning.
- Supports CIE 1931 color space for lighting.
- Support for all three device types
- ZigBee coordinator
- ZigBee router
- ZigBee end device
- Supports widely used clusters
SmartRack -An innovative solution for intelligently tracking and managing inventory/supplies.
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Soctronics IOT platform is a generic solution that can be used across various industries for real-time monitoring and control of various sensors and actuators deployed in the field. A variant of this platform has been customized for inventory management. This solution is suitable for warehouses, hotels, food processing industries, supermarkets, smart homes and industries where real-time sensors monitoring and control is required. SmartRack is an innovative solution for intelligently tracking and managing household groceries supplies. This can be integrated into kitchen racks and can hold and track the contents of one or more regular kitchen jars. It integrates with any online shopping carts or local grocers to ensure uninterrupted supply of groceries. It also helps track consumption patterns in the home, giving valuable insights and suggestions for healthier living. This is developed based on SoCtronics IoT platform.
Product Overview
- SmartRack is a low-power, portable, WiFi based device that identifies and tracks the contents of the jars using loadcells and RFIDs.
- The solution uses a web-application running on Amazon AWS IoT cloud to regularly collect the data generated from SmartRack via MQTT.
- Consumers can configure the device and track the live data through a easy-to-use intuitive mobile application. The application also provides regular alerts and consumption analytic and recommendations to the user.
- The device employs aggressive power management techniques to ensure long battery life. PIR sensors are used to wake the device up only when there is activity.
- Solution supports device provisioning and monitoring through online dashboards
Wireless VR SoC -- High bandwidth AV communication between VR headsets and Player using Directional Multi Gigabit (DMG).
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Soctronics has contributed for complete solution to replace the wired link between a Game console and a VR Headset with a wireless link. The solution involves developing a wireless adaptor that will be used both on the game console and the Headset. This adaptor interfaces with the USB and DP outputs on the game console and sends the data over the wireless interface. On the other end the data received on the wireless interface is sent back through DP and USB interfaces This high-speed wireless link was achieved using 802.11 AD (DMG - Directional Mutli Gigabit), which uses 60GHz frequency band and we could achieve Max ~7Gbps Data Rate at a distance of 10 meters.
We were part of multiple feature developments such as
- MAC implementation
- Upper MAC functionalities (Association, Link Maintenance)
- Lower MAC functionalities (Beacon Transmission, Channel Allocation, Rate Adaptation)
- Beam-Forming (11AD procedure to find optimal TX/RX sectors for data transfer.)
- Platform Side
- USB 3.0/2.0
- Device and Host stack implementation.
- Support for HID, Audio, MSC and Video device Classes.
- USB 3.0/2.0
- Dev Ops
- Automated Build and Test infrastructure for Hourly, Nightly and Release Testing
- Build maintenance and Test case execution from Jenkins.

AVB/TSN - Multi-Room, Multi-Channel Audio Distribution over Wifi (802.11ac)
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Soctronics had demonstrated AVB/TSN functionality on the Wifi Mesh for multi-room, multichannel audio distribution. We had used multiple open source stacks and customized some key aspects in order to make the POC successful.
Customizing WiFi MAC
We had customized the AVB to run on the Wifi Mesh (Open80211s stack) & customized the feature like ADOV, RANN, MCCA, EDCA etc. The required QoS was realized using MCCA mechanisms in WiFi Mesh since Media Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP) was not available on WiFi Mesh. And 8021Qav Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Media Streams (FQTSS) was realized using Credit based shaping with EDCA.

Timing Synchronization
IEEE 802.11 supports the GPTP integration through the time measurement primitive, the media dependent module of 802.1AS supports the 802.11 MAC, I.e., 802.1AS can handle the messages for the 802.11 time measurement primitive. This was used for timing synchronization.
AVB- 1722 Media Transport
AVB & AVTP from OpenAVNU was customized to suit multichannel/interleaved audio maintaining the required bandwidth. The source of audio was customized to perform the roles of AVB Talker & Controller. All the end-points are customized to role of a AVB Listeners.