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The SoCtronics test team has developed test automation frameworks which support Firmware and BSP testing on both FPGA and Silicon platforms. These framework supports GUI and Non-GUI testing as well and aids in writing test scripts quickly and easily.

Team has strong programming skills in scripting languages like C, Ruby, Java, Python and developed re-usable test automation framework with object oriented concepts. These modular frameworks have come handy for the team to automate thousands of test cases quickly and maintain the test scripts with minimal changes in the framework modules.

Team has expertise in test frameworks like PyUnit, Selenium, Winium, Squish, TestComplete. CI pipelines are created using Groovy

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We have developed a unified test framework for android with different layers for better modularity, reusability and maintenance:

  • Jenkins: We configured Jenkins Job, which will trigger the Test Framework Runner for run the given test scripts or test suits and also it will invoke the test results once test execution will be done
  • Framework runner will run either single test case or test sets separately by generating the xml reports and also final test report summary in HTML format
  • Core module has utilities, system methods, shell commands, UI Objects, adb command methods, util methods and constants maintained separately based on modules/features. We are using UI Automator for inspecting few elements to click or find them in UI
  • Test scripts: Maintained test scripts separately based on modules/features.
  • Aurora QC tool: Integrated the video capture tool called OBS studio for recording the video using a video capture device in between the DUT and Host PC. After recording is done, validating the recorded video quality using the Aurora QC tool will find out the glitches, artifacts and any distortion in video.

Test automation framework for an automotive IC provider


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Below is the test automation framework developed for testing the features of an automotive IC. Framework core is developed using common methods and utilities.

Test runs are triggered from Jenkins by which test cases specified by test runner are run and test results are updated to Test Link. Several hundreds of test cases are automated using this framework which is developed with a modular approach. Test Link is the test management tool to which the test results are updated and stored for future reference. All configuration parameters are maintained in hardware and test configuration files from which test scripts read the values of the parameter.

Test automation framework for a major IC provider


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Below is the architecture of the test automation framework which comprises re-usable modules and classes to develop test scripts easily and in less time:

Framework Core consists of the test support modules and test runner. As part of test support we have the base class where we define the mandatory methods (setup, teardown) that should be executed as part of the test script execution. And the test options will handle the dynamic inputs from test script, and the test utils is primarily taking care to stop the test and run the teardown in case of test hangs for any reason.

We also developed some common utilities that were needed for different kinds of embedded projects. Some of the resources that we developed are listed in the above diagram.We also have a Squish resource library developed, which is useful for BSP projects in UI testing, so overall this framework supports both GUI and Non-GUI testing.

Features supported in the Test Framework:

  • Logger support
  • Result metrics collection and JUnit results
  • Test input options
  • Test Runner
  • Unified Jenkins
  • Shared groovy libraries
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